Meet Maui’s local guardians
In this important new documentary film by our Friends of Knowledge, Emmanuel and Carine with their daughters Lou and Shadé, we get to follow The Green Wave surfer family as they set out to discover their own home island, Maui on Hawaii, and the environmental challenges they face in their immediate vicinity.
We learn about the crucial work that is done to protect the island’s watershed and its vital ecosystem and we are introduced to the environmental organization ‘Love the Sea’ that works with voluntary efforts to clean the coast from plastic and other waste. The film also showcases the spectacular nature, marine wildlife, and awesome surf spots on the island of Maui – all of which are priceless values that we must do everything we can to protect and preserve for the generations to come.

Meet The Green Wave surfers
“He Ali’i Ka ‘Āina; He Kauwā ke Kanaka.” The Land is Chief; Man is its Servant. Hawaiian words of wisdom that form the basis for our collab with The Green Wave.
To us, the authentic art of living is about making a difference – by staying true to yourself, to Mother Nature and to all living creatures. This attitude is core to our Friends of Knowledge, The Green Wave surfer family Carine and Emmanuel ’Manu’ with daughters Lou and Shadé.
Having seen first hand how humanity treats the oceans, The Green Wave surfer family has made it their life project to raise awareness on environmental issues. Taking their true to nature lifestyle all the way by living on an organic farm in Haiku on Maui, and using all their environmentalist influence to put focus on the most important issues of our time.
Our Green Wave collab features a special line with surf inspired prints dedicated to the protection of the oceans.